
About this Blog

Herding Bronze Cats is dedicated to exploring the memorials and monuments that have been created to remember animals around the world. I always prefer to visit these sites myself and include my own photos, but my time is limited and I can't always afford to get to all the sites I'd like to. I've decided to post about sites that are relevant to a holiday or current events, even when I can't travel there. I'll use photos from others, especially when these sites are outside of the area that I can easily travel to. This allows me the chance to post even when I can't get out of town.
I like to include links and sources even though it isn't standard procedure in a blog. Deal with it.
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About the Sites

When I chose sites to discuss on the blog (or include on the list) I try to find publicly accessible, physical sites dedicated to real, individual animals. I also try to chose sites that are primarily focused on the animals, and don't put the emphasis on people, but some sites may include a famous human along with their beloved companion. If you know of sites that fit into these parameters, especially if I don't have them on the list please let me know here.

About the Author

This page is written by Keith Outcelt, a Denver-based museum professional and tour guide. I got interested in these memorials while I was in graduate school and I was looking into how humans and animals have interacted through history. I realized that there are a lot of memorials to animals in Colorado, right near me and I started to visit them. When I looked into it further I was distressed to find that there wasn't a list of these sites, so I decided to make my own.
I'm also pretty interested in the history of technology, food in history and street art in the Denver area.
You can contact me here.


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